HSM On Demand

Customers are often in need of additional test or production environments but simply don’t want to spend the money on building yet another environment.

Also, finding the additional CAPEX to fund resources on short notice simply does not provide the freedom to build and break down that our technical teams often needs.

Because CAPEX is often in high demand and usually in short supply, EXCO has to prioritise between funding a new project or a current one that simply needs to expand. We help you remove these barriers by offering our HSM on Demand solution. With HSMOD it’s a matter of requesting the service and you are well on your way to perform your work.

This service is aimed specifically at our customers who experience challenges with the hosting of their own equipment or simply just want to move away from HSM ownership to focus on other things in their environment. No more waiting and upset internal customers because the project was delayed! Now you can resolve the frustration even before it starts.

Short of staff,? Allow us to take over the management of your HSM’s with our trained and qualified engineers at hand. We also offer training to help the novice obtain the necessary skills to master the environment through a structured curriculum of courses. Receive training at your office, remotely or at our offices in Mauritius. Either way we make it happen.

Our services are built with high end security in mind and we deploy the same high level FIPS 140-2 level 3 security hardware to ensure that we can provide high level security to comply with various requirements such as PCI and EMV.


General environment management & Maintenance

Organisations that don’t have the necessary staff with all the relevant qualifications and experience are now offered an easy and clear way out. Our team of highly qualified engineers with multiple years of HSM support experience are here to take the stress off your hands.

Disaster recovery environment management

The same can be done for your Disaster recovery environment. Provide us with your requirements up front and when you are required to switch over, everything is in place already, helping you to cut down on your downtime. Immediate failover is also catered for and can be implemented to help you reduce your risk while keeping your customers happy!

Embracing Core Business: Streamlining Focus

The same can be done for your Disaster recovery environment. Provide us with your requirements up front and when you are required to switch over, everything is in place already, helping you to cut down on your downtime. Immediate failover is also catered for and can be implemented to help you reduce your risk while keeping your customers happy!

Our business and focus is on helping our customers by taking over all HSM associated services and simply providing you the service you require without the effort and pain associated with it.

Stipulate the service period

With HSMOD you can stipulate the period that the service needs to be available such as for a week, a month or multiple years. You are now able to test without impacting your own environment, on site or remotely. No need to spend CAPEX on a device that is used for testing purposes only. Spin up, use and pay per use, it’s as simple as that.

Lower costs

Our OPEX-based model ensures that you don’t need to budget for, and spend large sums of money annually on the purchasing of the equipment, annual maintenance and support and the day to day upkeep of the environment and personnel normally associated with this environment. Simply, place a request with us to spin up your HSM environment for you and point your applications to our devices and you could be up and running within hours, rather than days.

Quick evaluation and identification of a solution

Our team of engineers will help you identify the problem fast and provide you a solution to work with. Our environment is built with customer experience at the forefront

Easy and fast deployment

Our team of engineers will help you identify the problem fast and provide you a solution to work with. Our environment is built with customer experience at the forefront

Secure environment split across three geo locations

Making use of three different Geolocated environments to run your service from provides ease of mind that your environment will remain up

Suitable subscription offerings

Monthly or annual subscription are provided at affordable, highly competitive rates to best suit your budget

Resource Management

Human Capital resources can be drafted from you, provided by us or a combination